
About Me

My name is Gabriele Dolfi and I am an eclectic entrepreneur with a diverse range of experiences and interests. My background in technology has allowed me to develop a strong understanding of the digital world and coding, and I am always seeking out new ways to leverage technology to solve problems and create value.

In addition to my tech expertise, I have also built a successful company in the wine business, that's why I am always on the lookout for new and exciting wines to explore, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with others.

But my interests don't stop there - I am also deeply involved in the art world, and have a keen eye for identifying and promoting talented artists. I believe that art has the power to inspire and transform, and I am always looking for ways to support the creative community.

Overall, my diverse skill set and wide range of interests make me a unique and multifaceted entrepreneur, and I am always seeking out new opportunities to learn and grow. Whether I'm working on a tech project, exploring new wines, or helping an artist promote their work, I am driven by a desire to make a positive impact in the world.

My Skills
Front-end Development
Back-end PHP App
Back-end Node App
Database Management
Git Flow and Agile
Linux Sysadmin
NFT Business Advisor
Blockchain Solutions
Marketing Strategist